Tarinn C.Lyme Ab ist ein immunchromatographischer Schnelltest zum Nachweis von Borreliose-Antikörpern in menschlichem oder tierischem Serum. Das Testkit liefert innerhalb von 10 Minuten Ergebnisse und zeichnet sich durch hohe Empfindlichkeit, hohe Spezifität und einfache Handhabung aus.
Lyme disease is a zoonotic disease caused by spirochetes (Borrelia burgdorferi), mainly infecting dogs, horses, cattle, sheep and other animals and humans. The symptoms of Lyme disease include fever, arthritis, nervous system damage, carditis and so on, severe cases can lead to chronic arthritis, neurological dysfunction, skin fibrosis and other complications. Lyme disease is mainly transmitted by infected tick bites, and there are currently effective antibiotics and vaccines to prevent and treat Lyme disease.